All fire rated doors (whether it be 20, 45, 60, or 90 minute rated) are required to be self-closing and self-latching. In many cases the self-closing requirement is achieved with a surface-mounted overhead closer (LCN, Dorma, etc). Unfortunately, the bulky closer body that is mounted to the top corner of the door diminishes the allure, especially for discerning hotel, condo, senior living, lobby, and other design applications.
To achieve a sleeker look, there is now the option to INVERT THE CLOSER which places the closer arm in the door and the closer body HIDDEN in the FRAME.

Grandoor Frames is proud to be a trailblazer in this field by offering concealed overhead closer WOOD frames. We achieve this by oversizing the header to encase the closer within our proprietary fire core material. Jamb legs can remain ¾” thick as normal and the header is built up to accommodate the closer body size. Any wood veneer (standard or exotic) or laminate can be used with our frames to match the door selection.
For more information, please contact our technical team at 210.322.5900.